Monday, March 2, 2009


"It is a new branch of this medicine field, and surprisingly many females specialize in it!"
it was what our new Physiology professor, Dr Hassan told us today - or so he said. You can't expect me to write all the words coming out of his mouth. Today was our first day learning about Reproduction. A new topic in this subject. So you can expect what everyone did during the class - took a piece of paper and note down every single word written on the white board for none of us took the related book to school today.
Andrology. You can guess what does it mean by only looking at its prefix. Andrology is the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly relating to the problems of the male reproductive system and urological problems that are unique to MEN taken from wikipedia.
So why do some females bother taking a master for this field anyway? Is it some sort of revenge because some of the male doctors specialize themselve in OnG (obstetrics and genecology)? I don't know. I personally think the female postgraduates have their own good reasons. I'm not going to type all of them, because it wouldn't fit in only one post. You'll doze off before the fiftieth reason anyway.
No man who is manly enough wants their reproductive organ to be checked by a woman. Seriously, we don't. Men will consult tok bomoh first if they had to. Seeking medically relevant treatments (in this particular problem) from females will be their last choice. So, Doctor Hassan said, we (boys he's teaching) can be millionaires by becoming one of the andrologist - for all men will want you to be their doctor!


[MH] said...

mula-mula..nak gelak dulu..


DR Hassan mengajar best kan? kami sudah mula merindui beliau.
sy pasti,beliau sgt berbangga dengan anak muridnya yang seorang ini kerana dia berjaya berkongsi ilmu dengan rakan-rakannya.

oh ya,agaknya,kaum wanita sekarang sedang berlumba2 utk menjadi pakar O&G. andrologist? wallahuha'lam

musegalo said...


tapi cerita ni pasal wanita kat mesir..dia kan ngajar kat sini..

kalo kat Malaysia, mungkin lain pulak ceritanya kot..

Amanina ST said...

tkejut seketike.

"It is a new branch of this medicine field, and surprisingly many females specialize in it!"

agknye sbb de satu branch baru,n pompn dh ramai sgt kt bidang len,maka dorg pikir ape kate kite masuk bidang baru yg xramai org lagi supaye kite senang dpt kje..

sekadar andaian..=D

[MH] said...

setuju dengan Em! tp malaysia tk mungkin la kot kan em

Amanina ST said...

xdek kot..xpenah lak ak dgr department andrology..

kalo ade pon kac laluan la kt ikhwah, mari meramaikan o&G!(akhwt sje)

musegalo said...


tapi aku x ambik kot andro..

nak ambik nde lain..

mari meramaikan doktor o&g!
(cheer untuk akhawat ok)

al-fareast said...

hahaha...yela tu..dr tu tipu je bkn di pun yg tlis buku tu...die copy paste je dr buku international...cayela.....


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the name is mohd ihsan bin hamdan, Cairo Universiry faculty of medicine- an abid, son of my parents and friend of my colleagues.